Let's Get Moving!

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Let's Get Moving Challenge!

Do you want a perky and bubbly butt?  We certainly do which is why this weeks challenge is to work our bootys!  We don't go to the gym and find it's the little things that keep us looking and feeling good.  We would much rather workout in small spurts throughout the day then spend an hour running on the hamster wheel.  That is just not for us ;)  This week we challenge you to join us as we give ourselves a butt lift!

The Challenge

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

A.M.  Begin every morning (while the coffee is brewing) with 50 lunges - 25 on each leg

P.M.  Before you crawl into bed give us 50 more! 

Ok and ONE more thing.  Let's all make a VOW to take the STAIRS all week!  No elevators, no escalators (unless of course your carrying a boulder or heading up to the 50th floor!)

This is going to be fun, which is exactly what exercising should be!  And hey... think of all the extra calories we are going to burn!

Feeling extra motivated?  We recently purchased Brazil Butt Lift (which is part of the P90X bonanza) and are loving every minute of it!  This is one of our new favorite workouts and we definitely recommend giving this a try!  Work out and have fun while doing it with Brazilian dance, cardio and body sculpting moves :)

Don't forget to eat healthy this week.  One of our favorite skinny tricks is to plan out our breakfast for the week and pre-makes a weeks worth every Sunday!  Join us as we lunge our way into the kitchen and whip up some Veggie Egg White Morning Muffins!
Let us know if your in!!!  Keep us updated on how your week is going, if your feeling more refreshed or even lose a little weight along the way! 

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  1. I played last week with crunches and remembered every morning! Only skipped two nights... c:

    I am in for lunges this week!

  2. Oh my -- I have a love, hate relationship with leg day + stairs lol! I'm committed to it though!!

    1. ha don't we all ;) Glad you're in! We got this!

  3. I'm down! Totally gonna give it a go if my knees let me! I may have to do a few less reps, but hey...I'm still gonna try! (and that recipe looks sooo delish!)

    1. Awesome! Be careful with those knees! Try reverse leg lifts or butt blasters (where you get down on all fours, raise one leg up and kick your heel up to the sky) if your knees are giving you a problem! And thanks the egg muffins were delish :)

  4. Hey gals! Love your blog!!! I have had fun looking through it.


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