Let's Get Moving!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Let's Get Moving Challenge!

Happy Sunday IDontGototheGym girls!   This week's challenge is all about CARDIO!  We may not go to the gym, but we know just how important exercise is to our overall heart health!  So join us this week and Get Movin'!

The Challenge

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday

A.M.  Begin every morning with 100 Mountain Climbers (push-up position then alternate knees into chest)
P.M.  Before you hit the pillow give us 100 more!

Feeling extra motivated?

Do this ultimate CARDIO workout 2x a day!

50 Jumping Jacks
60 Second Jump Ropes
- 60 Second Run-in-Place
- 25 Crunches
10 Tuck Jumps
25 Squats
- 50 Jumping Jacks
- 60 Second Mountain Climbers
- 15 Push-Ups
- 60 Second High Knees
- 60 Second Plank Hold

Work it girls!  You got this :)

BONUS: Drink More Water

Before you sit down to each meal drink one full 16oz glass/bottle of cold water!  It will fill you up and burn calories even before you eat.  Drinking cold water burns calories by using energy (calories) to warm the water down to body temp.  Not many... right around 17 per glass, but hey that's better than nothing!
Let us know if you're in & be sure to keep us updated throughout the week!  CHEERS XO

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